The message of the president

ECZAKDER was established in May 2014 by the Council of Deans of the Faculties of Pharmacy in order to acquire the legal entity of the National Accreditation Board of Pharmacy Education (ECZAK), which was established as an independent board in September 2011 within the framework of the “Regulation on Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvement in Higher Education Institutions”. ECZAKDER was recognized by the Council of Higher Education in December 2014 and it was evaluated by the Higher Education Quality Council (YÖKAK) and re-registered until 26 December 2025.

Our association ECZAKDER, works on assessment and accreditation of and providing information on pharmacy education programs, aiming to improve the quality of pharmacy education in Turkey and to contribute to its development in alignment with the international trends. ECZAKDER with its Board, various commissions and working groups, is an organization that aims to continuously improve itself.

Accreditation applications have been accepted as of January 2014 and accreditation certificates have been granted to 22 faculties of pharmacy (8 of them conditional accreditation) so far. In 2021, and 10 of the previously accredited faculties were given 6-year full accreditation again.

We would like to thank our esteemed members of ECZAKDER Board, commissions and working groups for their support and contributions. We wish our web page to be useful for our visitors. With my kind regards,


Prof. Dr. M. Seçkin ÖZDEN


Prof. Dr. Seçkin ÖZDEN

Prof. Dr. Seçkin ÖZDEN

Eczakder Başkanı